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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Here it is the Tuesday after the 4th of July.  It's still my day off, as I'm in the process of switching work schedules.  I got up shortly before my housemate was leaving for work.  I was eating breakfast and checking out the newspaper when she left.  

Knowing that the weather was forecast to get nasty - an 80% chance of thunderstorms was predicted - I got done with breakfast and then went and took a shower and got dressed.  Then I got my stuff and headed out.  

I drove over to a shopping center near here that has a laundromat.  I backed up into a parking space close to it and then went in and got a cart and brought it out.  I popped the trunk and unloaded the bedding that I had been carrying around with me for a week or so.  After piling it into the cart, I closed the trunk and took the cart inside and located washers that would hold the items.  

I had to use 4 machines - one apiece for each of the 2 comforters at a cost of $4 each; then I had to split the rest of the items between 2 more machines at a cost of $2.25 each.  I got them all started and then waited for them to cycle.  I had intended to bring a book to read, but realized I had forgotten it.  Oops!

Finally, the wash loads were done; I transferred them to dryers.  I was able to put both comforters in one dryer and the other 2 loads in another single load in another dryer.  I lost count of how many quarters I put in the 2 dryers, but I'd guess $2.00 each by the time all was said and done.  

While they were drying, I walked down to a store in the shopping center and did some looking around.  I wound up purchasing a 14 watt CFL bulb, a bag of peanuts and a bottle of that vitamin water - that I had wanted to try.  Then I returned to the laundromat to wait for my loads to dry.  It took a while for all of the items to dry; the comforters were the last to be done.  I had cleared all of the pieces out of one dryer and it still had time left on it, so I moved one of the comforters to it.  

It was about 10:30 AM by the time I had everything done and loaded up in the car.  I estimate I spent $16.50 to wash and dry.  Thankfully I don't have to use the laundromat very often!  When I left the laundromat, I made a stop at the post office for the mail. 

Among the items waiting for me was a package from BOMC2 - a book entitled More Than a Carpenter by Josh and Sean McDowell.  Once I got the mail, I came on home - raised the garage door, pulled in and parked and lowered the door back down.  Then I unloaded the laundry and brought it inside and had to locate somewhere to put it for now - so I put it in the spare bedroom.

I've had lunch and even took a nap.  I tuned in to the World Cup match between Uruguay and the Netherlands.  That match is now over and the Netherlands have moved on to the World Cup finals.  

Barbie Bassett has said that stormy weather could be on the way for the area, but she doesn't want to alarm the viewers.  I do know that it's cooler than usual around here - 87 with a heat index of 93 under partly cloudy skies.  In my bedroom the thermometer registers 75.4 degrees.  So, it's downright comfortable in here.  

By the way, I did check on the status of the order of solar curtains and found that it has been shipped.  So, now it's a matter of when the USPS is going to deliver it.  They said it could take up to 2 weeks - I hope not!

Well, this is all I've got for now....

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