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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Independence Day ~ Observed!

My housemate and I both had the day off.  I woke up early - though not as early as I would for work - while she slept in.  I tried to be quiet so as not to disturb her.  I had breakfast, then went and took a shower and got dressed.

I called a friend of ours and confirmed that we planned to attend a "pot luck" supper at her home later in the day.  I asked what we needed to bring and she said chips and fruit.  I said okay; then I went to finish getting ready to go out.  I was about to escape the house when my housemate arrived in the kitchen.  

I let her know I had talked with our friend and confirmed that we were coming. She asked me about what we should bring and I said that I had asked and had been told chips and fruit.  A few minutes later I left and went to the grocery store and got a number of grocery items I needed, along with a tub of chunks of watermelon and a tub of other melon chunks, and some fruit dip, plus a couple of bags of Zapps chips.  I'm partial to those because they're made in my home state of Louisiana.

After checking out, I came on home and unloaded everything and put it all away.  I showed my housemate what I had gotten for us to take to the party.  She decided that I had "done good" - she approved of what I had chosen!  We went on to both have a leisurely day - doing what each of us wanted to around the house - including, in my case, taking a nap.  

Eventually it closed in on time for us to head over to the party, so I got freshened up and ready; my housemate did to.  We got our stuff together and headed out.  En route over to our friend's home, it began raining - it came one of those "drive thru showers" - and stopped about the time we got to her home.  

We hauled everything inside, leaving our umbrellas out on the porch to dry.  We were the first to arrive; eventually a total of 8 of us would be there sitting around the table eating a variety of food and having a lively conversation.  Around 7:00 PM, my housemate and I gathered our stuff, left and returned home.  

I had some things to do around here; I made some phone calls as well.  My housemate took Rusty for a walk, then she made a trip down to the pharmacy to pick up some stuff.  

Well, it's bedtime for Bonzo [an old nickname of mine].

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