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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A New Football League....

UFL - United Football League 

The UFL provides high-quality professional football during a traditional fall season while embracing innovation and fan interaction.  The UFL serves its local communities with pride and dedication, and aims to provide every fan with an exciting and memorable game experience.  The inaugural 2009 champion Las Vegas Locos will battle the Florida Tuskers, Hartford Colonials, Omaha Nighthawks and Sacramento Mountain Lions for the William Hambrecht Trophy in 2010. The UFL will continue to grow in 2011 and beyond.

During the “Premiere” Season our team rosters were highlighted by top-notch professional athletes. Players ranged from future NFL Hall of Fame player Simeon Rice to former first round pick JP Losman. We provided a platform for athletes to showcase their talents and at the conclusion of the season more than 30 of our players moved on to NFL teams.

For the 2010 season we expect the quality of our players and the quality of our play to improve even further. Our Head Coaches during the first season included former prominent NFL coaches Dennis Green, Jim Fassel, Jim Haslett and Ted Cottrell. In 2010 Dennis Green and Jim Fassel will return to lead their teams, the Sacramento Lions and Las Vegas Locos respectively. Former NFL coach Chris Palmer has taken the lead of the Hartford Colonials and Jay Gruden, the Offensive Coordinator of the Florida Tuskers for 2009 and a former Arena Football champion, has taken on the reins of the Florida Tuskers. Coaches with similar experience and talent will lead our two expansion teams.

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