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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Saturday Evening and Night....

This evening around 5:15-5:30 PM, my housemate and I were getting ready to go out and pick up something for supper, intending to return home and eat.  Well, we didn't know it, but her daughter was in town to visit with some old college friends [I'm still not clear on what this was all about].  Another 15 minutes or so and we would've been gone and missed her call.

Anyway, my housemate heard her phone ringing and went to answer it and when she returned to where I was - we were talking about something - she reported to me that the call was from her daughter and she was in town [she lives in my home state of Louisiana].  She was headed over here from wherever she was staying [with those college friends] and so I finished getting ready while my housemate went to watch for her daughter's arrival.  

She arrived and within a few minutes it was decided that the 3 of us were going out to eat somewhere.  They opted for somewhere in the Fondren area.  We went in my housemate's car and I had to help her with directions to where the restaurant we had chosen was.  We found a parking space, but she was unable to get into it from the direction we were going so we wound up driving around the block and when we came back, surprisingly, the parking space was still there and this time we were able to pull into it.  

We went inside and they looked around the building for a few minutes, then we went into the restaurant and placed our orders and then went to table and waited for them.  They were delivered in just a few minutes as the place wasn't all that busy.  We had a nice supper and visit, then we returned home.

My housemate's daughter was supposed to pick up something to take to an event today, so she left and went to get it, then returned.  I sensed that they wanted some "mother-daughter time" so I came back to my bedroom and turned on the TV and got in bed and watched the end of the Arena Football game, then turned it over to the NASCAR race - the Coke Zero 400 from Daytona.  I fell asleep soon after and woke up a couple of hours later and thought I would post this update!

I'm going back to bed....

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