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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Today ~ Thus Far.....

I woke up around 7:15 AM and Sukiey was in the bed with me.  She stayed there even after I got up.  I realized that my housemate was already up and stirring.  I went on to have a couple of pieces of toast in order to take my AM meds.  I also read the newspaper.  

Then I went on to go take a shower and get dressed.  I put on one of my new pairs of shorts and one of the Danskin tees.  When I was done, I went out to the kitchen and found my housemate out there ironing a top she was going to wear. I asked her what she thought about my choice of attire.  She liked it - but said that the tee needed to be adjusted as it accented my cleavage a little much.  I tried, but it didn't work.  

She finished ironing and put the board up and went to her bedroom to get dressed, while I headed to my bathroom to finish getting ready.  I had done that, including applying makeup, when she emerged from her bedroom and said she had thought about it and decided I should change tees - that the Danskin tee wasn't appropriate for wearing in public somewhere like where we were going.  I went and got a Starter tee and changed into it while she went back to finish up. 

When she reemerged, I asked if that was better and she said yes.  She said that the Danskin was okay for around the house or working out, but not for going out to eat somewhere.  We finalized getting ready to go and headed out and made our way to the restaurant for the "breakfast club" meeting.  

When we got there, we saw 2 loose dogs - one with a collar, but no tag, and the other was collarless.  My housemate was concerned about them apparently running loose - afraid that they would wander onto the very busy thoroughfare nearby and get hit and seriously injured or killed.  She wouldn't go inside the restaurant until she knew they had been secured.  

I went inside and asked one of the cashiers if I could get a couple of bowls to put water in for the dogs.  She went and requested from the kitchen a couple of styrofoam bowls that they use for such items as grits, got them and gave them to me.  I went over to the drink machines and used the water dispenser and filled both bowls and then took them out to the dogs.  They were thirsty!  

A group of people had gathered - trying to figure out what to do about the dogs.  There had been a 5K race earlier in the morning and it was thought that perhaps the dogs got loose and followed some of the runners over to the restaurant.  One lady called her husband and he came in his SUV and another lady happened to have a couple of leashes with her.  She gave them to the couple and they were able to secure the dogs and get them loaded in the man's SUV and they were going to go to a nearby apartment complex and subdivision and see if anyone might know who the dogs belonged to.  If they couldn't find the owners, they were going to take them to CARA.  

Once the dogs were loaded into the SUV, my housemate finally came inside, went and ordered breakfast, then washed her hands and joined us at the table.  Several other members of the "breakfast club" were there.  We had a nice time and get together.  

It was decided that those who want to will meet on Monday afternoon at one of the area parks to celebrate the 4th [albeit on the 5th] and have dinner together - "pot luck" style.  I will probably go; I'm not 100% on it yet. 

I was hopeful to go to Canton this afternoon for the Patriotic Skydiving Team and the Competition Ballon Flight, but now I know I'm not going.  The friend that I thought I would go with is unable to go as she is not feeling well.  My housemate is, as far as I know, in her bedroom, and she doesn't know about this development.  I'm not sure I want to tell her until after it's too late to go as I don't want her feeling like she has to go with me so that I'll get to go.  If these events were somewhere closer around where we live - an area I'm familiar with - I might go by myself, but I don't know the Canton area; I've only been there once and through it on the Interstate a few times, so I wouldn't feel comfortable going alone. 

I took a nap - I fell asleep while watching the World Cup match between Paraguay and Spain.  I woke up in time to see the end of the match - Spain won 1-0 and advances to the semifinals while Paraguay is eliminated.  

When I woke up, I found Sukiey in an interesting position - up under the covers again.  I grabbed the camera and got a few pictures of her in that situation before she moved.  

I've still not uploaded the pictures from the Balloon Glow last night; now I have these of Sukiey to upload as well when I do sit down to do an upload.  I might just wait till Monday evening or Tuesday before I do any uploads so that I can upload all pictures at one time.  

Well - this is it for the moment....

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