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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Friday, July 2, 2010

An Update....Friday Night

Good evening!  My housemate got here about 5:20 PM and we headed out to the restaurant soon afterward.  When we arrived and walked in, we found our friend already there witing for us.  We waited a few minutes and my housemate's cousin, Anne, showed up.  Their fathers were cousins.  As it turns out, my housemate is a couple of years older than her cousin, who is single, never married, and so she has no children.  

We had a good time - the 4 of us - and then my housemate and I left around 7:15 PM and came by the house for a few minutes.  I needed to pick up my camera since we were going to the Balloon Glow at Northpark Mall. 

We left and headed up to Northpark Mall to find the parking lot jam packed with cars.  After bit of riding around looking, we found a parking space.  My housemate backed into the space and got parked.  Then we locked the car and headed off towards the field where the Balloon Glow was going to be.  Due to our vantage point, I'm afraid the pictures I got will be lacking somewhat.  After the Balloon Glow was over, we stayed around for a few minutes, then we started feeling what felt like sprinkles and smelled what had the smell of rain, so we headed back to the car. 

We got out and made our way to County Line Road and then made a stop for something before coming on home.  My housemate is now in her room - Rusty wanted in the house when we came in, but she told him he had had his "family time" earlier today with me.  He did come in for a few minutes, then she got a dog biscuit and put him back out.  I'll be heading to bed in a few minutes myself.  Sukiey is waiting for me and giving me a look that says she's ready for me to come to bed.  

I told my housemate about the rising temperature issue and that I had gone ahead and ordered the solar curtains.  She was okay with this and understands why we prematurely thought the problem was resolved.  We both thought that the thermal curtains would take care of it; neither of us understand why they didn't.  She said we need to put a shade tree in front of my window to block the sun.  I told her we would have to plant a fully grown tree there and that would be difficult if not impossible.  I also explained to her what my friend shared with me about the tinting film business.

Okay, I'm done for the present time.  Later....

Oops, I thought that I was done, but nope.  I meant to share with you that when we stopped on the way home to pick up something, we each received 2 of the America the Beautiful Quarters - the Hot Springs National Park quarter.  It was released into circulation on April 19th, this is the first that I've seen of them.  Linda was asking about them when I noticed that she had gotten them in her change; I was wondering if I would get any in my change. I was pleased to see that I did.  The Yellowstone National Park quarter came out at the beginning of June, so I wonder how long it'll take for specimens of it to reach us via circulation.  It took the Hot Springs quarter about 2 1/2 months.  

Another thing I want to share with you is that the "breakfast club" is scheduled to meet in the morning.  We agreed that we would have to see "what condition my condition is in" when we get up in the morning before deciding on whether to go or not.  If you remember, that's a line from a song by Kenny Rogers when he was with the First Edition.  She was surprised I remembered that!

The last thing is that when we got home, I checked the thermometer to see what it registered.  When we left it read 77.2; now it reads 75.7 degrees.  The fan does seem to be helping a good bit. 


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